
Re-use for the Real World.

Together we have saved over 250 million single-use cups.

Our partners are the ones that make the real difference. Since 2014 we have worked with some truly dedicated people to deliver re-use at scale – each day, every day.

Our new babies have arrived.

Cute, aren’t they? Our diminutive new 6oz (180ml) is small but perfectly formed – ideal for your cortado, flat white or doppio espresso on-the-go.

Available in seven stylish matte colours (both new and familiar), our minis weigh-in at a svelte 95g and stand just 10cm tall – making them the perfect fit for pretty much any coat pocket.

Make it yours.

Looking to customise an Ecoffee Cup for your cafe, company, NFP or institution? We have worked with Fortune 500 corporates, universities, independent roasteries and gift shops to create beautiful, practical products that people actively choose to re-use.

The Mastery of Vincent.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” When it comes to our views
re-use, we couldn’t have put it better than
Vincent himself.

Our official Van Gogh Museum collaboration
brings together some of the master’s most famous and lesser-known works – all equally stunning for your coffee on the go.

A 40% reduction in CO2 is just the beginning.

Made in Europe. For Europe. Ecoffee Cup Nova.

A continued focus on sustainable production has led to Ecoffee Cup Nova – produced in Ireland, from Scandinavian biopolymer created with up-cycled vegetable oil and sawmill tailings – making it one of the lowest CO2 reusables products in its class.

Delivering re-use at scale since 2014.

Join Us.

Working with corporates, cafes, retailers and independent businesses to reduce the impact
of single-use waste.

In 10 years, our partners have saved over
250 million single-use cups from landfill.

Find out how we can work with your business
to remove single-use.

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